Garland Labor Day Parade

September 5, 2005

Once again, Troop 57 participated in the City of Garland's annual Labor Day parade, one of the largest in the nation. This year we also canvassed the crowd, collecting donations to be given in support of the relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We collected about $300, which was then given to the Salvation Army as a continuation of our support of their efforts.

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Building Our Float

We started with this trailer

Then we broke out our lashing skills

Putting up the first support

And the second support

Raw material Time to go to work, men Putting up the first support Putting up the second support
The gravity of the situation It's good to have a boy-run troop
C'mon, put some umph into it Hey, I kinda like this boy-run stuff!


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Parade Day

Waiting in line

The whole crew is ready

Ready to rock! (movie)

Finally underway

Finishing touches on parade day All done and ready to go Yes, we WILL rock you Getting the show on the road

Look out Garland, here we come

Ready for action

Cub Scout away!

There's more than just fun involved

Troop 57 is coming at you in style Hey, this is cool Fire one Cub! Collecting donations

Or is there?

Yes, it would be cool if...

Another happy customer

The beat goes on

Or is there? ...we could fire it Another happy customer The beat goes on

The end

Until next year

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Troop 57 would like to thank Mr. Alvin Rauschhuber for once again donating his time, his trailer, his truck, and his fuel to us for the parade.
